6 Simple Steps to Improve Senior Home Safety
For older adults want to age in place, it is important to recognize potential safety challenges and take necessary steps to improve senior home safety. If physical or cognitive decline sets in, senior home safety risks can arise, but taking proper steps can help ensure our elderly loved ones are safe in their homes.
The 5 Best Ways for Seniors to Stay Hydrated
Aging adults face a long list of concerns; dehydration can exacerbate many of them. That makes it crucial to know the best ways for seniors to stay hydrated, and as it turns out, recent developments in our understanding have made that goal more accessible than ever!
5 Fantastic Reasons to Wear an Apple Watch for Fall Detection
Many seniors felt traditional fall alert systems were stigmatizing, but now that you can use an Apple Watch for fall detection, that's hardly a concern. If anything, people will think you're keeping up with the younger generation!
6 Crucial Eating Tips for Healthy Aging
With each passing day, we better understand the impact of nutrition on health. This allows us to develop improved eating tips for healthy aging.
4 Ideas for Seniors to Build Strong Community Ties
Like humans in any age group, seniors need to build strong community ties and social connections to thrive. Scientific studies have indicated that loneliness rivals obesity and smoking as a health risk, a reminder that seniors need to feel connected to the community around them.
Unfortunately, many adults find it difficult to maintain relationships or build strong community ties as they age. Creating new connections can also pose challenges. It is also important to consider each individual's unique requirements for social connection. Studies on loneliness are often based on an individual's perception of loneliness rather than a concrete measure. This is a good reminder that we all have different social needs. With that in mind, here are four ideas to build strong community ties and connections as you age.
11 Sleeping Tips for Seniors
Quality sleep is essential to an older person's physical, mental, and cognitive health, which makes sleeping tips for seniors valuable. A good night's sleep helps us feel good, stay alert, and age well. Recent research validates this idea; the latest science has revolutionized our understanding of the impact of sleep on aging.
3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Aging in Place
According to the AARP, nearly 80% of older adults prefer to age in place, but there are advantages and disadvantages of aging in place that should be considered before you make a decision. For most seniors, their instinct is a desire to stay in their current home - the environment they are familiar with - but they may discover that the benefits of moving to a smaller home, or an option that offers more community, outweigh the uncertainties of making a shift.
5 Great Exercises for Fall Prevention
The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is particularly true for falls. Seniors who engage in exercises for fall prevention are not only decreasing their risk of a fall-induced injury; they are building muscles that allow them to maintain their independence. While there are paths forward from a fall-related injury, a hospital visit can lead to a significant road to recovery, as well as a hefty bill. Fortunately, the risks of a fall can be decreased by with exercise routines designed to build balance and strength.
According to physical therapist/Ph.D. Tiffany Shubert, exercising for fall prevention requires an educated approach. In her appearance on the Better Health While Aging podcast, Shubert noted that aging adults need to focus on exercises that emphasize strength and balance, which means you need to do more than take a walk around the block.
The Risks and Costs of Falls for Older Adults
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”
The words of Ms. Fletcher from LifeCall’s medical alert commercials, which spotlighted the risks and costs of falls for older adults in the late 1980s, still resonate today. Falls are on the rise, and given the potential cost of injury, it’s a serious matter.
According to the CDC, falls among adults 65 or over caused 36,000 deaths in 2020, making it the leading cause of injury for that demographic. This is somewhat surprising, given that conditions such as dementia receive more attention than falls, but it does not take much imagination to understand why the costs of falls for older adults are so high; for instance, we can all understand that a head injury suffered in a fall can be life-altering.
8 Popular Living Options for Seniors
Many situations could prompt you to start wondering about living options for seniors. Is your old family home larger than what you presently need? Is the lawn becoming too much to maintain, or are the stairs difficult to navigate? As we enter new phases of life, our housing needs change, which is why is important to review popular living options for seniors.