6 Crucial Factors to Consider When Selecting A Medical Alert System
In a world where 77% of adults want to stay in their homes as they age, medical alert systems are becoming more important than ever. There are multiple steps seniors need to take to age in place safely and successfully, and in many cases, choosing the right medical alert system will be a critical part of the plan.
The good news is that today’s medical alert systems work better than ever. ..
6 Smart Home Upgrades to Support Aging in Place
In a world where 77 percent of adults 50 and older are committed to aging in place, smart home upgrades are becoming an increasingly valuable tool. It is important to consider a senior's privacy, but many technology solutions can help a senior, or senior couple, remain safe without sacrificing their independence.
Is Your Home a Candidate for Aging in Place?
If you have decided that you or your loved one is considering aging in place, you need to decide whether your residence is suited to home modifications. This process includes an assessment of both the location and the layout of the house.
9 Essential Steps to Age in Place Successfully
Aging in place does not mean you simply continue to live in your home with no planning or changes. To age in place successfully, you need timely planning and action.
In my experience working with hundreds of older adults, I've seen the dramatic impact that smart, informed planning can make on an individual's ability to stay in their home. I've also seen many unfortunate outcomes of not taking a proactive approach to the process of aging in place.
With smarter living today you can live better tomorrow; here are nine essential steps to successfully age in place.
What Does it Mean to Age In Place?
What does it mean to Age in Place? The CDC defines Aging in Place as “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.” According to the AARP, nearly 80% of older adults want to stay in their current homes. However, there are many factors to consider when evaluating this option. Successful outcomes require planning and resources.
6 Simple Steps to Improve Senior Home Safety
For older adults want to age in place, it is important to recognize potential safety challenges and take necessary steps to improve senior home safety. If physical or cognitive decline sets in, senior home safety risks can arise, but taking proper steps can help ensure our elderly loved ones are safe in their homes.
3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Aging in Place
According to the AARP, nearly 80% of older adults prefer to age in place, but there are advantages and disadvantages of aging in place that should be considered before you make a decision. For most seniors, their instinct is a desire to stay in their current home - the environment they are familiar with - but they may discover that the benefits of moving to a smaller home, or an option that offers more community, outweigh the uncertainties of making a shift.