Why Are the Top 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) so Important?
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are self-care activities a person must be able to do to live independently. Activities of Daily Living include basic tasks we learn as children, such as bathing and dressing. We often take these tasks for granted until they become challenging, so if you want to Age in Place in your latter years, it is essential to start preparing today.
9 Essential Steps to Age in Place Successfully
Aging in place does not mean you simply continue to live in your home with no planning or changes. To age in place successfully, you need timely planning and action.
In my experience working with hundreds of older adults, I've seen the dramatic impact that smart, informed planning can make on an individual's ability to stay in their home. I've also seen many unfortunate outcomes of not taking a proactive approach to the process of aging in place.
With smarter living today you can live better tomorrow; here are nine essential steps to successfully age in place.
6 Crucial Eating Tips for Healthy Aging
With each passing day, we better understand the impact of nutrition on health. This allows us to develop improved eating tips for healthy aging.